Editorial Policy

On this portal Transparency and editorial independence is of utmost importance and our policy states that all the choices are unaffected by the external sources.

  • Accuracy and Verification: accuracy is the most important in everything which we publish. We verify all the information to ensure it is reliable and we stick to the standards of integrity and rely on credible sources.
  • Content Focus: we focus on providing you with the latest news regarding movies, music events and Science and Technology. We collect information from different sources, accurate citations and trustworthy information.
  • Transparency: We are open to providing potential conflict of interest and maintain openness about the methods and sources.
  • Independence: we often present our content sticking to the policy of fairness. Our content is free from harnessing and we often believe in truth and present our data without any biases.
  • Ethical Reporting: we stick to the highest standards of ethics and individual policy is our priority. We collect the information from various sources and also provide various voices in our content.