Privacy Policy Update

Privacy Policy

You may feel free to visit our website anytime and your privacy is our primary goal. We will never ask you about your contact details, Your Email, Phone Number or Postal Address. But you sometime fill email and name to write a comment, it just to to control spam.

  • Data Collection: we will not ask you any personal information while you may be signing in or may be registering.
  • Usage Data: Apart from the Personal data, we also don’t collect your IP Address or Browsing History.
  • Third Party Links: It is strictly said that we will not be responsible for the privacy of those third party websites. You must check the privacy policy of the third parties websites for your protection.
  • Cookies: We may use cookies to provide you with more browsing experience and you can manage the cookies setting through your browsing settings.

Incase you have any query regarding our privacy policy, feel free to contact us @ [email protected] through our portal or through email.